Protect Your Sensitive Skin
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In our daily lives, there are six seasons of rotation per year due to climate change. One of these is the summer when the sun shines. Is it possible not to go outside when the sun is shining in such a summer? It can't. We have to go outside and become the ones to meet our daily needs. But your skin is very vulnerable to this sun radiation. Do you feel that your skin is most affected by this? You do not have to worry about that anymore. There is a dermatologist in Madurai.
Did you know this? Ionizing radiation has the potential to penetrate the body and damage DNA in cells, which can lead to cancer. But high energy ultraviolet (UV) rays do not have enough energy to penetrate deep into the body, so their main effect is on the skin. This makes our skin very vulnerable.UV exposure is a powerful attack on the skin. Especially those with pale skin can damage the skin with UV rays. It causes damage ranging from premature wrinkles to dangerous skin cancer. Are there any side effects on your skin? Immediately go to the best dermatologist in Madurai and beautify your skin.
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