Tuesday 30 October 2018

Say Goodbye To All Your Skin Problems


Say Goodbye To All Your Skin Problems 

Nowadays, skin care is essential for everyone. Because our skin reflects our personality. And all of us know that First impression is the best impression. That is, our appearance should create a good impression towards others. So that we should take care of our skin.  Our Best Skin Specialist In Madurai says that the natural phenomena like sun, cold, rain, heat, wind make a great impact on our skin. Maybe the effects of these phenomena on our skin are either favourable or adverse. In this article, he explains the effects of natural sources on the skin.

Sun Light

It helps to clear acne, heal mild infections, cleanse oily skin etc.,  On the other hand, the heat of the sun may lead to the dry skin and also caused burns and sunstroke. So that, it advices that

   1)Never expose yourself to the strong sunrays more than half an hour.
   2)Mostly avoid going outside during 10.00am to 2.00pm
   3)Wear loose cotton clothes and avoid dark colour clothes.
   4)Use sunscreen with SPF at least 30.


Cold roughens the skin of dry and sensitive types. It causes dry skin, cracks on the skin and also hinders the blood circulation. So that when you go outside in cold protect your skin by applying thick coating of cold cream. Even if you have oily skin, you must lubricate your skin during winter. To protect your lips from cracking, use an oily cream or cocoa-butter on your lips.


Rainwater is good for all types of skin. So, don't afraid to expose your face in the rainwater. But protect your head with a waterproof covering to avoid cold.


The more heat causes a drying, ageing effect on your skin, especially on oily skin. If the natural oil begins to dry, the skin becomes leathery and has wrinkles. So that, for steaming, use warm water that helps to eliminate the toxic matter and cleanse the pores of the skin and also keeps your fresh.


Wind helps to stimulate the blood circulation but it causes the skin to dry, especially during winter. So that, protect your face with the thick coating of cold cream when you go outside in the strong wind.

Dr.Adityan is the Best Skin Specialist In Madurai, helps to cure all of your skin related problems.  He will analyse the accurate reason for your skin problem and give the correct treatment for that. He behaves friendly to his patients. And also, he will solve all your doubts.

For more details visit our website www.adityanskinclinic.com

Or contact us at 7373163000.

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