Monday 23 July 2018

"Pimple only Live Once But if You do it Right Once Is Enough 


             Acne is a condition of the skin that will shows you a different types of bumps. These bumps can be blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, or cysts. Teenagers will get acne because of the hormonal changes and that will come with the puberty.  Are worrying about your Acne scar problem. No Worry! Here i tell you the best idea. That is Adityan skin and Hair laser centre -  Acne/Pimple Scar Treatment In Madurai, here you can get the best tratment for Acne Scars Problem.  

Tips for Preventing Acne Scar?

Any Certain foods will cause ACNE?

           All over the world, We people are addicted to  pizza, chocolate, greasy and fried foods, and junk food. Parents or elders have to teach the Teenagers to avoid these types of foods. Beside these junk foods will not be good for our Overall health, and they cause acne.

Now-a-days Many home tips are availabe but all of them are not Supported by Research. Here are some of the tips which will able cure your Scar easily.

You have to follow these tips.


  To worsening the Acne/Pimple Scar Treatment Diet will play an major role and its an Unclear. When we started to follow an Diet it offers a good supply of vitamins A and E and of zinc may have a lower risk of severe acne and this was Found by Some Scientists .


                Using Moisturizers we are able to smoothe our skin, especially who are using an acne treatment such as isotretinoin. Most Moisturizers containing aloe vera and it is at an concentration of at least 10 percent so that it may have an possibility to smoothing the and preventing the scars/Pimples. And its gives you an anti-inflammatory effect.


                Hypertrophic – It will Creates an raised area within the boundary of the original wound. This type of scar usually diminishes in size and appearance over time.

                Ice Pick – The  common form of scar that forms pit on your skin. The appearance is usually narrow and looks like an ice pick.

                Keloid –Keloid  is a raised type of scar and extends outside the boundary of the wound. In most cases, keloid scars are bigger than the original inflamed blemish.

                Rolling – Rolling will Creates an indention on your skin that looks like a wave. It is also wide with shallow depth.

                Boxcar –Box car Has an well-defined edges that look like a box, hence the name. It usually appears on the cheeks or temples.

Having Acne Scar is stressful, who have acne scar they feel bad... How can i clear this acne scar. Visiting Adityan skin and hair laser centre - Acne/Pimple Scar Treatment In Madurai is the best solution for getting rid of your acne problem immediately.

              Adityan Skin care Clinic, Dr Adityan will give you Acne/Pimple Scar Treatment with affordable cost. For Instant Booking contact us on 7373 163 000

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