Monday 9 July 2018

Why Does Acne Appear Most Often In Teenagers?

 Why Does Acne Appear Most Often In Teenagers?

Acne is basically an inflammation of the skin. The inflammation results from blockage of the skin's pores that get clogged due to oil, dead skin cells and other accumulated debris in the skin's pores. This accumulated 'debris' encourages the naturally present bacteria in the skin to multiply rapidly giving rise to skin inflammation. When the body is going through puberty, additional hormones (Androgens) are secreted for stimulating the growth of facial hair. As a result of these secretions, the oil or sebaceous glands in the skin produce more oil than normal leading to clogged pores. Contrary to popular belief that washing and scrubbing the skin hard can help one get rid of acne; over washing can actually worsen the condition. If you have acne problem no worries! Visit Best Skin Clinic In Dindigul and get rid of your Acne completely.

Teenage acne can occur on any type of teenage skin irrespective of the race, color or gender. It is mainly seen on the forehead, chin, cheeks and the 'T-zone' but many teenagers can also suffer from acne on the back, shoulders, chest and upper arms. Teen acne often begins in the form of whiteheads and blackheads but may turn into swollen or red papules that may be pus-filled. In some severe cases, large and cystic acne may also develop that can be quite painful.

What Acne Treatments Are Best?

The best acne treatment solution will vary from person to person, that depends on many factors: your age, whether you're male or female, how severe your acne is, and how long you've had it, among others. There are several options available.

For mild to moderate acne, many dermatologists will start with a combination of a topical cream or gel containing either a retinoid or benzoyl peroxide along with a topical antibiotic. For more inflammatory acne, an oral antibiotic may be added.

Severe cases of acne may be treated with the drug isotretinoin, which is very effective.

In Recent Years, Acne sufferers can successfully get rid of their Acne with Best Skin Clinic In Dindigul. That's the good news. To Know more about Best Acne Treatment visit

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