Friday, 30 August 2019

உணவில் அதிக கவனம் தேவை.

உணவில் அதிக கவனம் தேவை.

எளிதில் ஜுரணமாகக் கூடிய உணவையே உட்கொள்ள வேண்டும்.
தண்ணீர் அதிகளவு எடுத்துக் கொள்ள வேண்டும்
காய்கறிகள் பழங்களைச் சேர்க்க வேண்டும்
Best Skin Treatment @
For Appointment : 73 73 163 000
Andalpuram Bus Stop, Opp. Thiagarajar School, Opp. Agrini
Residential Complex, Madurai, Tamil Nadu - 625003.

Thursday, 29 August 2019

பருத் தழும்பு

பருத் தழும்பு


பருக்கள் ஏற்பட்ட போது சரியான சிகிச்சை பெறாமல் பருத்தழும்புகளால் சீரழிக்கப்பட்ட முகங்களுக்கும் நவீன தோல் சிகிச்சை முறைகளான லேசர் முகப்பொலிவு சிகிச்சை ஆகியவை மூலம் இழந்த முக அழகைப் பெருமளவு திரும்பப் பெற முடியும்.
இதற்கும் தோல் டாக்டரே தீர்வு.
Best Skin Treatment @
Best Skin and Hair Laser Centre
For Appointment : 73 73 163 000
Andalpuram Bus Stop, Opp. Thiagarajar School, Opp. Agrini Residential Complex, Madurai, Tamil Nadu - 625003.

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

எச்சிலால் ஏற்படும் அலர்ஜி !

எச்சிலால் ஏற்படும் அலர்ஜி !

1. உதட்டில் நாக்கு, எச்சில், பல் படக் கூடாது.
2. நாளடைவில் வாயைச் சுற்றி கருப்பு / வெள்ளைப் படிவம் உருவாகலாம்.
Best Skin Treatment @
For Appointment : 73 73 163 000
Andalpuram Bus Stop, Opp. Thiagarajar School, Opp. Agrini Residential Complex, Madurai, Tamil Nadu - 625003.

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Get Beautiful Skin

Get Beautiful Skin

* Good eating habits, proper skin care, and meditation are secrets of beautiful skin.
* These simple skin care tips will keep your skin looking more youthful, glowing and radiant.
* Keep Glowing.
Best Skin Treatment @
For Appointment : 73 73 163 000
Andalpuram Bus Stop, Opp. Thiagarajar School, Opp. Agrini Residential Complex, Madurai, Tamil Nadu - 625003.

Monday, 26 August 2019

Avoid Sweat Rash

 Avoid Sweat Rash
To avoid sweat rash, avoid humid sweaty weather, by staying in air-conditioned rooms, take a cool shower, wear light cotton clothes and apply talcum powder.
For Appointment: 7373136000
Best Skin Treatment @
For Appointment : 73 73 163 000
Andalpuram Bus Stop, Opp. Thiagarajar School, Opp. Agrini Residential Complex, Madurai, Tamil Nadu - 625003.

Friday, 23 August 2019

முடி உதிர்தல்-பிரச்சனைகளும் தீர்வும்

 முடி உதிர்தல்-பிரச்சனைகளும் தீர்வும்

தலையில் பொடுகு இருந்தால் முடி உதிர்வதற்கு வாய்ப்பு உண்டா?
பொடுகு என்று நாம் சாதாரணமாக குறிப்பிடுவது தலையில் செதில்களை உண்டாக்கும் பலவகை நோய்களை குறிக்கும்.
இவை அனைத்துமே தலைமுடி உதிர்வதற்கு காரணமாக இருக்கலாம்.
இதில் எந்த வகை நோயால் பொடுகு ஏற்படுகிறது என்று கண்டறிந்து சிகிச்சை மேற்கொண்டால் பொடுகு சரியாகும்.
முடி உதிர்வதும் தடுக்கப்படும்.
Best Skin Treatment @
Best Skin and Hair Laser Centre
For Appointment : 73 73 163 000

Want To Know About The Term Called Natural Skin Care? Read This Blog To Know It

Want To Know About The Term Called Natural Skin Care? Read This Blog To Know It

Friends, let us know what does the term natural skin care mean. Natural skin care is another total minefield. Some people have suggested that natural skin care products should have at least 5 per cent of the natural ingredients and they are found from nature. One of the biggest difference is that natural products definition may vary from person to person. For some people, it can be from the plants and for some people it can be from the synthetic, so it is based upon person to person. It is better for you to take advice from the dermatologist before using any natural skin products. You can approach the Best Skin Care Centre In Madurai before taking treatment for your skin.

Some people may think that the natural skin care products is that which is free from the preservative and so there is a complexity in the term call called the natural skin care. This term is very difficult to explain in this medical field. Since this term itself is so complicated you can visit the Best Skin Care Centre In Madurai and take dermatologist advice at that clinic before you use any natural skin care products. Feel free to approach them just contact them to the number @ 73 73 163 000 or surf their website @  

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How Do People Get Psoriasis?

How Do People Get Psoriasis?

Hi! friend, enjoy the fabulous day. On this day I am happy to share information with you about Psoriasis. Everybody has this question in mind, "How Do People Get Psoriasis?", and let us discover the answer to this question. While scientists do not know what exactly causes psoriasis, but we know that the immune system and genetics play major roles in its development. The skin cells in people with psoriasis grow at an abnormally faster rate which causes the buildup of psoriasis lesions. So, friends psoriasis is the red lesion causes itching on the skin which disturbs you a lot. To recover yourself from psoriasis search on the internet for Psoriasis Treatment In Madurai.

The exact reason why people are infected by psoriasis is not found. But scientists believe the result of several factors including genetics, environmental system, and the immune system. If you had psoriasis, then there is a possibility that someone in your family had too. Certain environmental factors may trigger psoriasis disease. They are stress, injury to the skin(cuts, scrapes, bug bites, and sunburns), infection(such as strep throat or thrush), certain medications(including lithium, antimalarials, and quinidine). The immune system is the bodyguard of the body it protects from intruders like a cold virus, in other words,  it protects our body from outside germs. So, experts believe psoriasis is caused when your immune system becomes overactive. Protect yourself from psoriasis by getting treatment from Psoriasis Treatment In Madurai. For more details about the treatment kindly visit

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Thursday, 22 August 2019

கழுத்து - கம்புக்கூடு கறுப்பு

கழுத்து - கம்புக்கூடு கறுப்பு


1. உடல் எடைக் கூடுவதால் ஏற்படுவது.

2. கழுத்து மற்றும் உடல் மடிப்புகளில் தோன்றும்.

3. ஹார்மோன் மாற்றங்களின் அறிகுறியாக

Best Skin Treatment @

For Appointment : 73 73 163 000

Andalpuram Bus Stop, Opp. Thiagarajar School, Opp. Agrini
Residential Complex, Madurai, Tamil Nadu - 625003.

Get Acne/Pimple Cure Treatment In Madurai And Have A Pimple Free Face

Get Acne/Pimple Cure Treatment In Madurai And Have A Pimple Free Face    


Hello friends, it is great to meet you in this article. Let us get into the topic guys. Many of you may have suffered from acne for at least once in your life, isn't it? Well, it is essential for you to know about the number of factors that causes acne. Puberty plays the main role in the occurrence of acne in your skin. The body starts producing male hormones and it is commonly known as the androgens whereas the women also produce androgens but in smaller quantities than the men. These androgens act on the oil glands and it causes to increase the oil production. Finally, the pores on your skin are blocked. When the follicle begins to bulge and show up as a small whitish bump, it is called a whitehead. At that time you can get Acne/Pimple Cure In Madurai that can cure your acne and makes the pores back to the form.

The dermatologist also says that the genetics also play an important role in the development of acne as because the size and oil glands are inherited from our parents and it is another reason that causes acne on your face, neck and other parts of your body. Many people who suffer from acne are likely to have relatives who have been suffering from acne during their lifetime. If your acne problem is severe or if you have unbearable pain then you can get an Acne/Pimple Cure In Madurai. For more details regarding the treatments and services, you can make a call to them @ 73 73 163 000 or surf their website @ For more updates, just visit @

How Many Of You Know The Smartphone Is One Of The Reasons For Acne?

How Many Of You Know The Smartphone Is One Of The Reasons For Acne?

Happy morning friends, If anyone of you have a question like “What possibility that acne in certain parts of the face and that may have an underlying cause” first of all acne appear in the forehead, lower cheek and jawline. Generally, certain hair-styling products such as oils and waxes can cause forehead acne, particularly blackheads or whiteheads. The products themselves block pores, resulting in what is known as ‘pomade acne’. Forehead acne can also occur if you keep your hair in a fringe. Hair will rub against the forehead skin irritating and potentially to breakouts. I got this information from the Adityan skin & Hair laser centre, as they are Acne/Pimple Scar Treatment In Madurai.

For lower cheek and jawline can be related to smartphone use, particularly when it is much worse on one side of your face. Touchscreens contain large numbers of bacteria on their surfaces. Placing your phone against your cheeks creates pressure that may activate your sebaceous glands. Combined with heat generated from the phone and bacteria on the phone surface, acne can result. Get into the habit of cleaning your smartphone regularly, and where possible use hands-free. I got this information from the Adityan skin & Hair laser centre, as they are Acne/Pimple Scar Treatment In Madurai. For more contact @ 73 73 163 000 or surf their website @

Nourishment For Skin

Nourishment For Skin


Hello! everyone, it is an honour to meet you again with the good piece of information. In this blog, let me share you some information regarding your skin. No doubt the lotions and creams have their own benefits but the most essential element in skin care is water. As grape becomes a raisin it dehydrates, and if moisture on the skin is lost it gets wrinkles. Hence drinking at least eight glasses of water or other drinks like juices, soups etc.. which is essential to make your skin get its moisture nourishment. To know other nutrients which is essential for skin or skin care tips search Best Skin Hospital In Madurai.

Protein intake of food is another nourishment for the skin. Like other body tissue, the skin is made up of proteins. Indeed a good mixed diet of supplying all the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals which contributes to the good health of the skin. Foods are rich in vitamin A help to regulate oil production and promote cell formation for healthy skin. To get more knowledge about the nourishment of skin or skin care tips to have healthy skin you can contact Best Skin Hospital In Madurai. For more details please visit

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Say No To Acne

Say No To Acne


Hey, do you have acne? Then this article is for you. Acne is a common problem occurring to the people. Some people take it so light and grow with the acne but for some of the people it is distress as they do not want acne and their skin wants to be clear. Speaking from the heart is a burden to young adults if they are affected by acne. This implies they need an Acne/Pimple Treatment In Madurai to get cured of the skin acne. Dermatologist says acne does not need a  permanent cure and it is because it needs to be controlled more often rather than curing them.

It is because the stem where the acne is caused is grown out as the age passes and it should have control before it gets grown completely. Just think of the Acne/Pimple Treatment In Madurai can help you to take control over it and it can prevent from reoccurring. To know more about the treatments and services just make a call to skin specialist @ 73 73 163 000 or surf their website @

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Pimple free face gives you enormous confidence

Pimple free face gives you enormous confidence


Hi Guys, Nowadays in order to cure acne/pimple people are using any kind of chemical product which is shown in the advertisements. Usage of those products may cause acne/ pimple then in order to solve those problems we go and get medicine or some other beauty product from a medical shop without consulting the doctor. When you use any product to your skin, first of all, get advice from a dermatologist because not all product is safe or not all product suits to your skin. If you want to use any kind of skin product, cream or ointment then first get suggestions from the doctor. To cure pimple problems visit Acne/Pimple Cure In Madurai.

In today’s world, all tv ads show some actress who wears a dress like doctors and says some dialogue like buy this product it is clinically proven. When they say like this we blindly believe that and ready to buy those products. First of all, try to analyze the things that don’t blindly believe whatever they are showing in an advertisement. There is a possibility that some of those products may damage your skin totally. So if you have pimple problem don’t use the cosmetics which are suggested in the advertisement. Try to visit Acne/Pimple Cure In Madurai and find the best solution for your problem. For more details contact @ 73 73 163 000 or you can visit @

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Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Reasons For Pimples & The Perfect Solution To Reduce It

Reasons For Pimples & The Perfect Solution To Reduce It

Hi! friends, what's up don't how to get rid of pimples from your face? Pimples are small pustules or papules which develops mostly on the face. Experts say it is because of the sebaceous glands present in the areas of skin. Acne Vulgaris the main cause of pimples affects over 80 per cent of teenagers. This happens when sebaceous glands become active, dead skin cells clog the pores the infection starts to develop in some cases. To prevent yourself from this skin infection please browse Best Pimple Care Treatment In Madurai.

Natural therapists consider junk foods such as burgers, chips, cola, some sweets, and chocolates are responsible for pimples on your face. The impact of dietary habits has been vividly displayed in the difference between the incidence of pimples in the countries where its junk food as compared to cultures. Foods that are high saturated fats such as red meat, chocolates and etc.. Must be replaced from fresh fruits and vegetables. So, friends the perfect solution to reduce pimples is Best Pimple Care Treatment In Madurai. To know more details please visit

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தோல் முடிச்சுகள்

தோல் முடிச்சுகள்

1) நடுத்தர வயதில் ஏற்படும் தோல் மாற்றங்கள்.

2) பரம்பரைத் தன்மை, மற்றும் அதிக எடையால் ஏற்படுவது.

3) எளிதில் தழும்பு இல்லாமல் நிரந்தரமாக நீக்க முடியும்.

Best Skin Treatment @

For Appointment : 73 73 163 000

Andalpuram Bus Stop, Opp. Thiagarajar School, Opp. Agrini
Residential Complex, Madurai, Tamil Nadu - 625003.

Know About Skin Therapies

Know About Skin Therapies

Hello friends, do you know something guys? The infrared rays are used as a therapy to treat your skin. It is true friends, these rays soothe the first-degree sunburns. They make your skin relaxed without increasing the temperature of your body. To apply the infrared rays the lamp is operated  an average distance of nearly 30 inches. First of all the lamp is placed at close then after some time, it is moved gradually. There are also some other skin therapies available for the skin to make it much better. In extreme cases, you can go to the Best Dermatologist Treatment Madurai for skin treatments.

Now let talk about the visible light used for skin therapy. The lamp is used for reproducing visible lights is usually a dome-shaped reflector in various colours. The blue light has a tonic effect on the bare skin. While the red light has a strong heat-rays which have a stimulating effect used over the skin. It is recommended only for dry and scaly skins. If you have a skin type which is not attractive even after the skin treatment then just go for the Best Dermatologist Treatment Madurai to make your skin beauty. You can make a phone call to them @ 73 73 163 000 or surf their website @

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Cancer treatments lead to hair loss

Cancer treatments lead to hair loss

Hello friends, Often people say hair fall happens because of stress, fear, inbalance diet, genetical problem and hormonal imbalance et.,. But there is also one important thing which affects your hair growth that is certain treatment and medication. The person who is suffering from cancer undergo lots of operations and treatments. Some of the treatments are chemotherapy, radiation therapy, transplantations. All these treatments affect the cell which promotes hair growth. To sort of all those problems and regain your hair get the Best Hair Growth Treatment In Madurai.

While you are going to take cancer treatment to ask your doctor because not all cancer treatment affect your hair. But still, certain therapy damages your cells and leads to many hair related problems. Most of the time the drugs whatever you are consuming for cancer problem is so effective and powerful. So that power will sometimes damage some other cells. Sometimes the hair fall happens because of treatment may or may not be curable. But don't worry if you have hair loss because of your medication and treatment then take the Best Hair Growth Treatment In Madurai. If you need any details, contact @ 73 73 163 000 or you can visit @

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