Tuesday 30 March 2021

உங்கள் சருமத்தை சூரியனிடமிருந்து பாதுகாக்க...

 உங்கள் சருமத்தை சூரியனிடமிருந்து பாதுகாக்க...

* நன்கு வடிவமைக்கப்பட்ட சன்ஸ்கிரீன் (எஸ்.பி.எஃப் 15) தினசரி அவசியம்.

* பகல்நேரத்தில் மாய்ஸ்சர் சேர்க்கப்பட்டுள்ள சன்ஸ்கிரீனைப் பயன்படுத்தலாம்.

* நன்கு சீரான உணவை உண்ணுங்கள் மற்றும் மன அழுத்தத்தை தவிர்க்கவும்

For Appointment : 73 73 163 000
Andalpuram Bus Stop, Opp. Thiagarajar School, Opp. Agrini
Residential Complex, Madurai, Tamil Nadu - 625003.
#பூச்சிவெட்டு #புழுவெட்டு #HairFall #HairFallTreatmentMadurai #HairGrowthTreatmentMadurai #BestHairGrowthTreatmentInMadurai #AcnepimpleCureInMadurai #AcnepimpleScarTreatmentInMadurai #psoriasisTreatmentInMadurai #Besthaircaretreatment #AffordableFee #Besthairclinicinmadurai

Types of Acne Scar and Where Can Get the Solution


Hi all!

Nowadays generally everyone uses cosmetic products. People don’t know how much it affects their skin. If they use more cosmetics then it will create an acne scar for them. If people get an acne scan then they search for the Best Skin Specialist In Madurai. Everyone has a question like why they want to search for skin specialists in Madurai. Madurai is the best city compared to other cities, the reason behind this is cost-wise as well as service-wise. People no need to waste their money taking treatments in hospitals. Let us discuss what are the types of acne scars. Scars can either be raised or indented from the skin surface. Elevated scars Two types of raised scars: hypertrophic and keloid. Both types occur due to the overgrowth of defense fibrous tissue after the healing of skin injury. Hypertrophic scars are the same size as spots in our skin, but keloid scars extend beyond the limits of the acne lesion. Keloid scarring is more common in skin of color and typically occurs on the shoulders, angle of the jaw, and chest area. 
Depressed scars There are three main types of depression, or ‘atrophic, acne scarring. Ice pick scars: There are deep, narrow, pitted scars usually less than 2mm wide at their base. Boxcar scars: It is broad depressions with sharply defined edges. The scars can be several millimeters wide and can result in a ‘crateriform’ appearance of the skin. Rolling scars: It is broad depressions with sloping edges, which leave the skin with an undulating appearance. Acne of the forehead and mid-upper cheeks typically results in multiple small ice pink scars. Acne of thickener areas of kin, such as the lower cheeks, chin, and jawline, usually results in larger and deeper scars. Many individuals suffering from acne scarring are likely to have a combination of the different subtypes. If you care for your acne scar or search for the Best Skin Specialist In Madurai then visit Adityan skin clinic. For more details visit www.adityanskinclinic.com, and you can contact them at 73 73 163 000. For more updates,  you can surf at www.bestskindoctorinmadurai.blogspot.com.

Monday 29 March 2021

பூச்சி வெட்டு / புழு வெட்டு

 பூச்சி வெட்டு / புழு வெட்டு

1. இது தவறான எதிர்ப்பு சக்தியால் ஏற்படும் முடி இழப்பு.
2. இது வட்ட வடிவில் காணப்படும்.
3. முறையான சிகிச்சையால் முடி திரும்ப வளரும்.

Dr.Adityan's Skin & Hair Laser Centre Madurai.

For Appointment : 73 73 163 000

Andalpuram Bus Stop, Opp. Thiagarajar School, Opp. Agrini
Residential Complex, Madurai, Tamil Nadu - 625003.

#பூச்சிவெட்டு #புழுவெட்டு #HairFall #HairFallTreatmentMadurai #HairGrowthTreatmentMadurai #BestHairGrowthTreatmentInMadurai #AcnepimpleCureInMadurai #AcnepimpleScarTreatmentInMadurai #psoriasisTreatmentInMadurai #Besthaircaretreatment #AffordableFee #Besthairclinicinmadurai

Friday 26 March 2021

முடி உதிர்வதை நிரந்தரமாக தடுக்க சிகிச்சை உண்டா?

 முடி உதிர்வதை நிரந்தரமாக தடுக்க சிகிச்சை உண்டா?

முடி உதிர்வதற்கான சரியான காரணங்களை கண்டுபிடித்து அதற்கு தகுந்த சிகிச்சையை தோல் சிறப்பு டாக்டர்கள் அளிக்கிறார்கள்.

இதன் மூலம் முடி உதிர்வை தவிர்க்கலாம். உதிர்ந்த முடியை மீண்டும் வளரச்செய்யலாம். அழகான கூந்தலை திரும்பப்பெறலாம்.

Dr.Adityan's Skin & Hair Laser Centre Madurai.

For Appointment : 73 73 163 000

Andalpuram Bus Stop, Opp. Thiagarajar School, Opp. Agrini
Residential Complex, Madurai, Tamil Nadu - 625003.

#Hairloss #BestSkinClinicInMadurai #HairFall #HairFallTreatmentMadurai #HairGrowthTreatmentMadurai  #AcnepimpleCureInMadurai #AcnepimpleScarTreatmentInMadurai #psoriasisTreatmentInMadurai

Fungal Skin Infection

Fungal Skin Infection

Hi friends!

Nowadays there are more fungal skin occurs in the human body. So everyone searches for the Best Skin Care Centre In Madurai`.  Why everyone searches for a skin clinic in Madurai? Madurai is one of the best places for everything like a business, treatment, etc. For the best skin treatment, then go to the Madurai skin clinic. 

Athlete’s foot

Associated with wearing shoes and sweating, this common foot infection is a type of ringworm caused by the fungus tinea pedis. 

It can be picked up in public places, such as showers and changing rooms, and, once contracted, it can be hard to get rid of.

The skin on and between the toes between sore and itchy, and may crack or peel away, exposing red, tender skin underneath. Sometimes small blisters and rashes appear.


The highly contagious infection of the skin, known popularly as ringworm, is also medically called tinea. 

The term ringworm’ is a misnomer, since no worm is involved, and it is caused by a fungal infection.

The ring shape is formed as the infection spreads. Warm, moist areas, such as the armpits, groins, beneath the breast and on the feet, are the most common places for ringworm.

Nappy rash

A common condition affecting babies with otherwise healthy skin, nappy rash results from an irritant dermatitis caused by ammonia combined with an infection with the yeast candida. While usually confined to the nappy area, the thrush element can spread like a rash on the abdomen and can look quite severe and alarming.

If you care for your fungal skin infection or search for the Best Skin Care Centre In Madurai then visit Adityan skin clinic. For more details visit www.adityanskinclinic.com, and you can contact them at 73 73 163 000.

For more updates,  you can surf at www.bestskincarecentreinmadurai.blogspot.com.

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Thursday 25 March 2021

What Is The Cause Of Acne?

 What Is The Cause Of Acne?

Hello buddies!

Acne develops due to the complex interplay between several factors. Everyone searches for the Best Skin Doctor In Madurai, to solve the acne problem.

Why do people search for a skin doctor in Madurai? In Madurai, people get the best skin solution compared to other cities. Madurai doctors solve the skin problem at the lowest price. So Madurai is the best place for doing everything.


As we hit puberty, our bodies start to produce women’s hormones known as androgen.

Albeit in smaller quantities than men. These androgens act on the oil glands, causing them to increase oil production.

At the same time, cells lining the hair follicle become ‘sticky’ and start clumping together in a process known as follicular hyperkeratinization.

The result is that pores become blocked with sticky skin cells and excess oil. A bacterium known as propionibacterium acnes, which lives on the skin, can then colonize these areas, stimulating inflammation and deeper spots.


Genetics are thought to play an important role in the development of acne, mainly as the size and activity of the oil glands are inherited from our parents.

Many people who suffer from acne are likely to have relatives that have also been affected during their lifetime. Either way, don’t be alarmed by the factors you can’t control; there are always effective treatment options available.

Other causes

There are some other, less common, causes of acne which include:


●Hair-style products such as waxes or gels, which contain ingredients like lanolin, beeswax, and petroleum jelly.

●Medical conditions that can cause hormonal fluctuations.

If you are searching for the Best Skin Doctor In Madurai then visit Adityan skin clinic. For more details visit www.adityanskinclinic.com, and you can contact them at 73 73 163 000.

For more updates,  you can surf at www.bestskinclinicinmadurai.blogspot.com.

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1) கண்ணுக்குத் தெரியாத சிறிய கிருமியால் ஏற்படுவது.

2) எளிதில் பரவக் கூடியது.

3) குடும்பத்தில் அனைவரும் ஒரே நேரத்தில் சிகிச்சை செய்தால் திரும்ப வராது.

Dr.Adityan's Skin & Hair Laser Centre Madurai.

For Appointment : 73 73 163 000

Andalpuram Bus Stop, Opp. Thiagarajar School, Opp. Agrini
Residential Complex, Madurai, Tamil Nadu - 625003.

#Bestskicaretreatments #Bestskincarehospitalinmadurai #Madurai #Bestskinlasercentre #Bestpsoriasistreatments #psoriasistreatment #சிரங்கு

Light and Laser Treatment

 Light and Laser Treatment

Hi friends! Have a nice day

Most people suffer from skin problems - they don't know which product suits their skin type. So they search for a skin specialist in Madurai. In search engines, you can search for Best Laser Skin Centre Madurai

Light and laser systems are highly effective at skin rejuvenation, treating pigmentation, redness, lines, and wrinkles - in essence, resurfacing the skin.

Whilst many establishments offer laser treatments, training can be variable, and it is always better to seek treatment with an experienced doctor or laser dermatologist. For this, Adityan skin clinic is the best place to do these things.

There is some difference in light and laser treatment:


●LED devices



Intense pulsed light (IPL) uses high-intensity pulses of light to target blood vessels and pigment in the skin. It will improve the appearance of freckles, redness, age spots, facial lines, and wrinkles. It is a comment used on the face, neck, and decollete.

The treatment lasts about twenty to thirty minutes, and a course of four to six sessions at approximately monthly intervals is required. Protective eyewear should be worn by the practitioner and the person being treated.

The treatment is not painful but feels very much like hot rubber bands being flicked against the skin surface. After the treatment, they are red and can feel sensitive.

There may be minor swelling or bruising, and care must be taken in the sun for the following four weeks. 

LED device

LEDs and facial incorporating LED light have gained popularity in recent years. These are non-invasive and relatively safe treatments. Data shows these can have some role in stimulating collagen production, improving skin texture, and acting as an anti-inflammatory.


Laser treatment remains one of the most effective ways of reversing the textual skin changes and pigment associated with ageing.

If you are looking to do the laser treatment, then Adityan skin clinic is the best choice.  Because they are the Best Laser Skin Centre Madurai.  For more details, visit www.adityanskinclinic.com, and you can contact them at 73 73 163 000

 For more updates,  you can surf at www.bestskinhospitalinmadurai.blogspot.com

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Wednesday 24 March 2021

அம்மை நோய்

 அம்மை நோய்

1. ஒரு வைரஸ் கிருமியால் ஏற்படுவது.

2. காற்று மூலம் பரவக் கூடியது.

3. மாத்திரைகளால் தழும்பு வராமல் குணப்படுத்த முடியும்.

For Appointment : 7373136000

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    Shortcuts To Solving Sun Problems

     Shortcuts To Solving Sun Problems

    Hi buddies!

    Nowadays everyone gives importance to skin problems. Some people have sunburn problems, prickly heat, heat exhaustion, and heat-stroke issue.  Some of them search for the Best Skin Care Centre In Madurai. Madurai is the best place for saving your money. You can get solutions at an affordable price. For this reason, most people choose is Madurai.

    In this blog, we discuss shortcuts to solve the sun problem.


    Sunburn has long-term detrimental effects on the skin and should be avoided. Contrary to population myth, you do not have to burn to get a tan. And, just in case you are still wondering, you can still get a tan using the high protection factor. If you do burn, however, keep your skin cool and clear and soothe it with calamine lotion or natural yogurt.  Aloe vera is another good sunburn calamine, as is the essential oil from the bark of the tea tree. 

    Prickly heat 

    This spotty rash occurs as a result of blocked sweat glands, mostly appearing on the chest, back, and arms, and you can take steps to prevent it. Avoid string sunlight, especially between elven in the morning and three in the afternoon when the sun is at its strongest. Wear high-factor sunscreens that screen out both UVA and UVB rays. 

    Take cool showers or bathe frequently, patting the skin dry afterward. Also, avoid activities that make you sweat a lot.  If you do develop prickly heat, stay in the cool, apply calamine lotion or talcum powder and wear loose clothing.

    Heat exhaustion and heat-stroke

    Avoid succumbing to either heat exhaustion or heat-stroke by resisting the temptation to lie in the hot sun for hours on end. Keep your body cool by going for a swim at regular intervals. 

    Heat exhaustion

    There are three types of heat exhaustion, all of which can be fatal: water deficiency, salt deficiency, and anhidrotic.


    The symptoms of heat-stroke are your body temperature rises but you do not sweat as this heat-regulating mechanism is not functioning correctly. You develop a severe headache, feel faint or disoriented, stagger or start to convulse. The skin is hot and may feel dry. ‘Sunstroke’ is an incorrect term-you can get heat-stroke without being in the sun. 

    If you are searching for Best Skin Care Centre In Madurai then Adityan is the best choice. 

    Get to know more about us by making a call to this number at 7373163 000 or just visit our website at www.adityanskinclinic.com.   For more updates,  you can surf at www.bestskinspecialistmadurai.blogspot.com

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