Thursday, 30 September 2021

எச்சிலால் ஏற்படும் அலர்ஜி !


1. உதட்டில் நாக்கு, எச்சில், பல் படக் கூடாது.

2. நாளடைவில் வாயைச் சுற்றி கருப்பு / வெள்ளைப் படிவம் உருவாகலாம்.

Best Skin Treatment @ Adityan skin clinic

For Appointment : 73 73 163 000

Andalpuram Bus Stop, Opp. Thiagarajar School, Opp. Agrini Residential Complex, Madurai, Tamil Nadu - 625003.

#எச்சிலால்ஏற்படும்அலர்ஜி #சருமபராமரிப்பு #BestSkinSpecialstInMadurai #BestSkinDoctorInMadurai #BestSkinHospitalInMadurai

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

இது சொரியாசிஸா?


ஆம், உள்ளங்கை மற்றும் பாதங்களை மட்டுமே பாதிப்பது சொரியாசிஸின் ஒரு வகையாகும்.

மற்ற இடங்களில் பாதிப்பு இருக்காது.

முறையான சிகிச்சையால் எளிதில் குணமாக்கலாம்.

இது அலர்ஜி அல்ல

Dr.Adityan's Skin & Hair Laser Centre Madurai...

For Appointment : 73 73 163 000

Andalpuram Bus Stop, Opp. Thiagarajar School, Opp. Agrini
Residential Complex, Madurai, Tamil Nadu - 625003.

#BestSkinSpecialstInMadurai #BestSkinDoctorInMadurai #BestSkinHospitalInMadurai #BestSkinClinicInMadurai #BestDermatologistInMadurai

Sunday, 26 September 2021

கொசுக்கடி அலர்ஜி


1. குழந்தைகள், சிறுவர்களை அதிகம் பாதிக்கும்.

2. தீர்வு:

1. தினசரி கொசுவலை அவசியம்.
2. முழுக்கை, முழுக்கால் ஆடைகளை அணிய வேண்டும்.
3. வாரம் இருமுறை நகங்களை வெட்ட வேண்டும்.

Saturday, 25 September 2021

How Skin Is Important For You? Let’s Know!

 How Skin Is Important For You? Let’s Know!

Even wild and domestic animals know the importance of their skin. But the human known for six senses such as sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste, and mind, fails. Yeah! We do not know and or understand how our skin is important to us. Just imagine that your tissues get touched by the dust of smoke that motorbikes give. How would it feel? So tremendous, Isn’t it? Skin is the one that lets us connect with the outside world. It is the thing that holds everything together and in the absence of skin our muscles, bones, tissues and other body parts would be hanging down all over the place. It also acts as a protector of our internal organs that protects them from any external factors. We need to choose the Best Skin Treatment In Madurai and get a glow skin.

I say all these importance of skin not to waste any of your precious time and I say to make you well understand your duty to take your skin (such a protector) the proper care. So that you never leave your skin with any unusuals and skin problems, diseases and disorders. Even Though if you have any of these, jet get them cured by undergoing the best Best Skin Treatment In Madurai.

Get to know more about us by making a call to this number at 7373163 000 or just visit our website at For more updates,  you can surf at

Never Let No More Hair Of Yours Gets Dropped

 Never Let No More Hair Of Yours Gets Dropped

Hair loss is one of the serious topics that is being the most wanted too among us. And that is why now I am with this stuff and the objective of this stuff is to have a clear idea about hair fall and its causes that may even be untold till now. Hair fall is one of the miserable things that makes many of us day to day life messy and miserable. And those who belong to that may take the best Hair Fall Treatment In Madurai as this may do the proper best for their needs.

And the thing to be revealed is the untold cause of hairfall. We all know that we get stressed when we notice hair fall problems. But do we know the stress makes the hair fall problem more severe? Yeah! Stress can push hair follicles into a “resting” phase so that they don't produce new hair strands. Over time, hair can fall out more easily, even if you're just washing, combing, or touching it. So the thing that I tend to say to you all is never get stressed when you see your hair fall down. Just eat nutritious and healthy and get the best Hair Fall Treatment In Madurai.

Get to know more about us by making a call to this number at 7373163 000 or just visit our website at For more updates,  you can surf at

Here’s All You Need To Know About Psoriasis

 Here’s All You Need To Know About Psoriasis

We are talking about many problems, disorders and diseases that our people face. But we are always skipping that one knowingly or unknowingly and I don't even know the reason for that. And that is none other than psoriasis. Never think that the disease psoriasis and or the people suffering from that are never the ones to be abandoned. Before going into the depth of psoriasis, I would like to inform those who suffer from severe and or mild psoriasis may take the best Psoriasis Treatment In Madurai.

Psoriasis can appear anywhere on the body, even on the eyelids, ears, lips, skin folds, hands, feet, and nails. Plaques can be a few small patches or can affect large areas. It's possible to have psoriasis plaques and scales in more than one location on the body at a time. There are five types of psoriasis. There's no 100% cure for psoriasis. But treatment can help you feel better. You may need topical, oral, or body-wide (systemic) treatments. Even if you have severe psoriasis, there are good ways to manage your flare-ups. And that’s why you are needed to get the best Psoriasis Treatment In Madurai,

Get to know more about us by making a call to this number at 7373163 000 or just visit our website at For more updates,  you can surf at

Never Be Worried With Any Red Bumps (Pimples) On Your Face

 Never Be Worried With Any Red Bumps (Pimples) On Your Face

All we need to have at least good and proper skin as it would be the best and first priority. Clear skin would be the basic desire for every human and that is why they are needed to have their skin with no issues and unusuals. Any unusuals such as red bumps and irritations or like combinations of both, can make your skin never glowing. Yeah! How glowing skin is possible with a face full of pimples and that is why you are needed to get the Best Pimple Care Treatment In Madurai.

The Skin is an Ultimate one in human’s life. But the sad thing to say is that humans do not understand how it really helps while even animals know how their skin is very important to them. Friends, without our life, do not exist. You may think that I am overrating a bit but I never. Skin is the one that relates us to the outside world. Without skin our muscles, bones and other body organs would be hanging down all over the place. It is the duty of the skin to hold everything together and also to protect your body parts from the external factors. Then what about our duty to keep them pimples and any other issue free skin, and that is why you may get the Best Pimple Care Treatment In Madurai.

Get to know more about us by making a call to this number at 7373163 000 or just visit our website at For more updates,  you can surf at

Friday, 24 September 2021

கொழுப்புக் கட்டிகள்


1) தோலில் ஏற்படும் கொழுப்பு மச்சங்கள்.

2) பயப்படத் தேவையில்லை.

3) தழும்பு இல்லாமல் அகற்ற முடியும்.

Dr.Adityan's Skin & Hair Laser Centre Madurai...

For Appointment : 73 73 163 000

Andalpuram Bus Stop, Opp. Thiagarajar School, Opp. Agrini
Residential Complex, Madurai, Tamil Nadu - 625003.

#Bestskincarecentre #BestskincareclinicinMadurai #BestskinspecialistinMadurai

Never Let Your Hair Drop Down From Your Head

 Never Let Your Hair Drop Down From Your Head

And I know how that feels when we see our hair stepping down on your forehead. And never get felt like this once again with the way that I am going to tell you now for you. And the way is none other than having a meeting with the Best Dermatologist In Madurai. Yeah! They may do all good for you according to your needs regarding your skin and hair. First of all it is our obligation to know who they are and what else they do regarding our skin and hair care.

A dermatologist is a doctor who specializes in conditions involving the skin, hair, and nails. A dermatologist can identify and treat more than 3,000 conditions. These conditions include eczema, psoriasis, and skin cancer, among many others. No matter what you think about skin, it is undeniable that the skin is an incredible organ of our human body. Without skin our body parts such as muscles, bones, issues etc would be hanging down all over the place. Skin is the one that holds everything together and protects them from any external factors. Right now, meet the Best Dermatologist In Madurai to protect your precious skin.

Get to know more about us by making a call to this number at 7373163 000 or just visit our website at For more updates,  you can surf at

Thursday, 23 September 2021

பாத வெடிப்புகள்


1. வறண்ட தோல் சில, மரபணு வியாதிகள் மற்றும் சொரியாசிஸ் போன்ற தோல் நோய்களின் வெளிப்பாடு.

2. தைராய்டு குறைபாடு, சர்க்கரை நோய் போன்ற உள்வியாதிகளின் வெளிப்பாடாகவும் இருக்கலாம்.

3. வீட்டுக்குள்ளும் மென்மையான செருப்பு அணிவது அவசியம்.

4. ஈரப்பதத்தைத் தக்கவைக்கும் களிம்புகளை பயன்படுத்தலாம்.

Dr.Adityan's Skin & Hair Laser Centre Madurai.

For Appointment : 73 73 163 000

Andalpuram Bus Stop, Opp. Thiagarajar School, Opp. Agrini
Residential Complex, Madurai, Tamil Nadu - 625003.

#பாதவெடிப்புகள் #வறண்டதோல் #BestSkinSpecialstInMadurai #BestSkinDoctorInMadurai #BestSkinHospitalInMadurai #BestSkinClinicInMadurai #BestDermatologistInMadurai #HairFallTreatmentMadurai #BaldnessTreatmentMadurai #bestlaserskincentre #Adityanskinandhairlasercentre #skinandhairlasertreatment

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

சட்டைப் பேன்


1. சட்டைத் தையல் மடிப்புகளில் வாழும்.

2. தலைப் பேனை விட இரண்டு மடங்கு பெரியது.

3. இரத்தம் குடித்துவிட்டு சட்டைக்குள் ஓடிவிடும்

4. உடைகளை பராமரிப்பதால் சரியாகும்.

#Bestskincarecentre #BestskincareclinicinMadurai #BestskinspecialistinMadurai #Bestskinlasercentre #Adityanskinandlasercentre #Acnefreeskin #Besthaircarecentre #BesthairspecialisinMadurai #சட்டைப்பேன்

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

பால் பரு


* வைரஸ் கிருமியால் ஏற்படுவது.

* எளிதில் பரவக்கூடியது.

* தழும்பு இல்லாமல் முழுமையாக அகற்ற முடியும்.

Dr.Adityan's Skin & Hair Laser Centre Madurai.

For Appointment : 73 73 163 000

Andalpuram Bus Stop, Opp. Thiagarajar School, Opp. Agrini
Residential Complex, Madurai, Tamil Nadu - 625003.

#Bestskinspecialist #Bestskincarehospital #Bestclinic #Bestskincarespecialistinmadurai #Adityanskinandhairlaserentre

Monday, 20 September 2021

முடி உதிர்தல் பிரச்சனைகளும், தீர்வுகளும்...

ஹேர்ஜெல், ஹேர் ஸ்பிரே ஹேர்ஜெல், ஹேர் ஸ்பிரே முடியை பாழ்படுத்துவதாகவும், ஹேர் ஆயில் தான் தலைமுடிக்கு சிறந்தது என்ற கருத்து நிலவுவது உண்மை தானா?

ஹேர்ஜெல், ஹேர் ஸ்பிரே மற்றும் ஆயில் போன்றவை முடி உதிர்வை ஏற்படுத்தாது. ஆனால் முடியை நேராக ஆக்கவும், சுருட்டை யாக்கவும் உபயோகிக்கும் எந்திரங்கள் மட்டுமே முடியை பாதிக்கும்.

Dr.Adityan's Skin & Hair Laser Centre Madurai.

For Appointment : 73 73 163 000

Andalpuram Bus Stop, Opp. Thiagarajar School, Opp. Agrini Residential Complex, Madurai, Tamil Nadu - 625003.

Sunday, 19 September 2021

கண்ணைச்சுற்றி கருவளையம்


1. ஐ லைனர், காஜல், மஸ்காரா போன்றவற்றைத் தவிர்க்கவும்.

2. தினமும் 8 மணி நேரம் தூக்கம் அவசியம்.

3. மன அழுத்தத்தைத் தவிர்க்கவும்.

#கருவளையம் #கண்ணைச்சுற்றிகருவளையம் 

#BestSkinSpecialstInMadurai #BestSkinDoctorInMadurai

#BestSkinHospitalInMadurai #BestSkinClinicInMadurai 

#BestDermatologistInMadura #HairFallTreatmentMadurai 

#BaldnessTreatmentMadurai #bestlaserskincentre 


Friday, 17 September 2021

Time To Realize How Your Skin Is Important For You

 Time To Realize How Your Skin Is Important For You

A very important thing that every person who gets worried about their skin must consider and is none other than arriving at the Best Skin Clinic In Madurai. Yeah! There you could get solutions for all your problems regarding your skin. But the sad thing ti say is that no one understands that how their skin is important to them. It is not the thing that could be solved by describing their uses. As a human with six senses, we should realize that how such an important thing is your skin. It is a great thing that upgrades your life too.

Yeah! It is the realization of our own skin, it is a realization of our own and it is a realization of us. Once a person comes to this stage that tends to realize himself, then he tends to achieve everything and peace at least. No matter how you think of it, your skin is very important. It covers and protects everything inside your body. Without skin, people's muscles, bones, and organs would be hanging out all over the place. Skin holds everything together. Now, I tend to realize how your skin is important and to go for the Best Skin Clinic In Madurai.

Get to know more about us by making a call to this number at 7373163 000 or just visit our website at For more updates,  you can surf at

பூச்சி வெட்டு / புழு வெட்டு


1. இது தவறான எதிர்ப்பு சக்தியால் ஏற்படும் முடி இழப்பு.
2. இது வட்ட வடிவில் காணப்படும்.
3. முறையான சிகிச்சையால் முடி திரும்ப வளரும்.

Dr.Adityan's Skin & Hair Laser Centre Madurai.

For Appointment : 73 73 163 000

Andalpuram Bus Stop, Opp. Thiagarajar School, Opp. Agrini
Residential Complex, Madurai, Tamil Nadu - 625003.

This Is What Your Real Treasure, Get To Know What Is That!

 This Is What Your Real Treasure, Get To Know What Is That!

Right now, have a meet with the Best Skin Doctor In Madurai if you have any unusual with your skin. Because everything is effective once it is well grown up and it may be a human or disease. So, just try to make them cured in their initial stage or beginning level. kin is the super most part of our body. But the sad thing to say is no one knows its values. Just think that how it would feel when a small hurts your bare lungs or bones. They make you feel the hell, Isn't it?

But with the skin, it does not even feel us something hurts us.  This is where the skin plays an important role. It covers and protects everything inside your body. Without skin, people's muscles, bones, and organs would be hanging out all over the place. Skin holds everything together. Being so wonderful, right? Then, Isn't it your obligation to take proper care of our skin? Could we leave our skin with any issues or disorders? So, get the Best Skin Doctor In Madurai to care for all your skin needs.

Get to know more about us by making a call to this number at 7373163000 or just visit our website at For more updates,  you can surf at