Friday, 22 September 2017



1) கண்ணுக்குத் தெரியாத சிறிய கிருமியால் ஏற்படுவது.

2) எளிதில் பரவக் கூடியது.

3) குடும்பத்தில் அனைவரும் ஒரே நேரத்தில் சிகிச்சை செய்தால் திரும்ப வராது.



* இது ஒரு வைரஸ் கிருமியால் ஏற்படுவது.

* உடம்பில் ஒரு பாதியை மட்டுமே பாதிக்கும்.

* உடனடி சிகிச்சையால் நரம்பு வலியைத் தவிர்க்கலாம்.

கொசுக்கடி அலர்ஜி

கொசுக்கடி அலர்ஜி 

1. குழந்தைகள், சிறுவர்களை அதிகம் பாதிக்கும்.

2. தீர்வு:

1. தினசரி கொசுவலை அவசியம்.
2. முழுக்கை, முழுக்கால் ஆடைகளை அணிய வேண்டும்.
3. வாரம் இருமுறை நகங்களை வெட்ட வேண்டும்.

கீலாய்டுகள் (Keloids)

கீலாய்டுகள் (Keloids)

1. மிக அதிக தடிப்பான தழும்புகள்.
2. பெரிதாகும். அரிப்பு, வலி ஏற்படும்.
3. லேசர் மூலம் நிரந்தரமாக அகற்றலாம்.

எச்சிலால் ஏற்படும் அலர்ஜி!

எச்சிலால் ஏற்படும் அலர்ஜி!

1. உதட்டில் நாக்கு, எச்சில், பல் படக் கூடாது.
2. நாளடைவில் வாயைச் சுற்றி கருப்பு / வெள்ளைப் படிவம் உருவாகலாம்.

Thursday, 21 September 2017

How To Prevent Hair From Winter Hairfall?

We often see our hair as a reflection of our identity because it is both personal and public. Many women feel that a bad hair day equals a bad day: when a woman’s hair is too fine, too frizzy, too dry, turning gray or falling out, her self-esteem is seriously affected. This deep personal relationship between hair and self-esteem is evident throughout history, philosophy and even religion. The Best Skin Hospital In Madurai has given some useful tips for avoiding winter hair fall.

1.Wear a hat to protect your hair from the cold and wind. Your hat should not be so tight that it restricts circulation in your scalp. If you end up with static electricity in your hair from your hat, run a dryer sheet over your hair; that should get rid of the static electricity.

2.Keep your haircut simple and maintenance free. The less you fuss over your hair - even running your fingers through your hair or combing it throughout the day - the more it can break or develop split ends. Style your hair so that once you are done, you don’t need to do anything else with it throughout the day.

3.Check the ingredients on hairspray or other products. Make sure they don’t have a high concentration of alcohol which will dry out your hair and make it feel brittle.

4.Use a humidifier in your house. Indoor heating can dry out your hair. Humidifiers add moisture to the air, helping both your skin and your hair.

5.Get a trim. On the average, your hair grows a ½ inch every 4 weeks. For long hair, it is usually recommended you get your hair cut every 2 to 3 months to trim off the ends and keep it looking healthy. For short or medium length hair, trims should be every 4 to 8 weeks, depending on how quickly your hair grows. Regular trims will help your hair stay and look healthy.

These are the only tips for prevention.If you have a deep hair fall problem, To come and get treatment from our Adityan skin and hair clinic.We have provided the best treatment.The Hair Fall Treatment Madurai is a reputed clinic in Madurai. To get appointment to click on the websites(

What Are The Procedure For Hair Transplantation?

What Is a Hair Transplant?

It's a type of surgery that moves hair you already have to fill an area with thin or no hair.You usually have the procedure in the doctor's office. First, the surgeon cleans your scalp and injects medicine to numb the back of your head. our Hair Transplantation Madurai will choose one of two methods for the transplant follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) or follicular unit extraction (FUE).

With FUSS, the surgeon removes a 6- to 10-inch strip of skin from the back of your head. He sets it aside and sews the scalp closed. This area is immediately hidden by the hair around it.

Next, the surgeon’s team divides the strip of removed scalp into 500 to 2,000 tiny grafts, each with an individual hair or just a few hairs. The number and type of graft you get depend on your hair type, quality, color, and the size of the area where you’re getting the transplant.

If you’re getting the FUE procedure, the surgeon’s team will shave the back of your scalp. Then, the doctor will remove hair follicles one by one from there. The area heals with small dots, which your existing hair will cover.

After that point, both procedures are the same. After he prepares the grafts, the surgeon cleans and numbs the area where the hair will go, creates holes or slits with a scalpel or needle, and delicately places each graft in one of the holes. He’ll probably get help from other team members to plant the grafts, too.

Depending on the size of the transplant you’re getting, the process will take about 4 to 8 hours. You might need another procedure later on if you continue to lose hair or decide you want thicker hair.

Expectations and Recovery

After the surgery, your scalp may be very tender. You may need to take pain medications for several days. Your surgeon will have you wear bandages over your scalp for at least a day or two. He may also prescribe an antibiotic or an anti-inflammatory drug for you to take for several days. Most people are able to return to work 2 to 5 days after the operation.

Within 2 to 3 weeks after surgery, the transplanted hair will fall out, but you should start to notice new growth within a few months. Most people will see 60% of new hair growth after 6 to 9 months. Some surgeons prescribe the hair-growing drug minoxidil (Rogaine) to improve hair growth after transplantation, but it’s not clear how well it works.If you want to get this wonderful hair transplantation from our Adityan clinic in Madurai.

Madurai is a major city in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu.It has a lot of wonders.This wonder shows its traditional structure.Hair Transplantation Madurai has placed at Andalpuram in this wonderful city.Madurai is one of the few places in Tamil Nadu which provides the best quality hair transplant at an affordable cost. The Madurai clinics use the latest methods and advanced technology for hair transplantation which is used by the top nations famous for hair restoration treatment. Thus, Hair Transplantation Madurai provides the best hair transplant treatment which is at par with the treatment offered by developed nations.For more about this Hair Transplantation to click our website( and get brief explanation about your doubts.

How To Manage Winter Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is the result of a sped-up skin production process. Typically, skin cells grow deep in the skin and slowly rise to the surface. Eventually, they fall off. The typical life cycle of a skin cell is one month.

In people with psoriasis, this production process may occur in just a few days. Because of this, skin cells don’t have time to fall off. This rapid, overproduction leads to the build-up of skin cells.The Psoriasis Treatment In Madurai has discussed the Winter psoriasis.It can trigger psoriasis flares, but you have many ways to combat the drying effects of cold temps and indoor heating.

Smooth on moisture

Keep your skin moist to ease redness and itching, and heal psoriasis patches. The thicker the cream or ointment, the better it is at locking water into your skin. Use moisturizing soap and a creamy lotion after you shower, bathe, and wash your hands. Choose fragrance-free products to avoid allergic reactions.

Choose soothing baths over hot showers

Long showers in hot water remove moisture from your skin. Shower in warm water just long enough to soap up and rinse off. You can relax in the tub, though. Sprinkle oil, finely ground oatmeal, Epsom salts, or Dead Sea salts in a warm bath. Soak for about 15 minutes to slough off scales, soothe itching, and unwind. Apply moisturizing cream or lotion right after to lock the water in.

Use a humidifier

To wake up with smooth skin, use a device to keep indoor air moist. Run it in your bedroom at night to counter the drying effects of indoor heating. Be sure to follow the directions for cleaning the humidifier to avoid a buildup of bacteria.

Winter Skin Hazards

Winter can bring chapped lips, dry skin and cracked heels – even frostbite. This WebMD slideshow will help you identify top winter threats to your skin and what you can do about them.

Wear soft layers

Cold weather and the wind can irritate your skin and trigger flare-ups. They can also make psoriasis in your joints more painful. Bundle up in a soft scarf, hat, and gloves when you go outside to protect exposed areas of skin. Dress in layers you can peel off to avoid getting too hot -- sweating can make psoriasis worse. Choose cotton over wool, denim, and other fabrics that are more likely to bother your skin.

Drink water

To pump up moisture, drink plenty of H2O. You'll know if you're getting enough because your urine will be a pale yellow. If your urine is bright yellow or dark-colored, you may need more water.

Ease stress

The winter holidays are full of cheer, but they also bring stress, which can make psoriasis worse. Plan time to relax. Try a massage or spa treatment to moisturize your skin and beat the winter blahs. Also, exercise relieves stress and may reduce flare-ups.

Lighten your mood

Psoriasis can make you depressed. If you also have seasonal affective disorder -- depression linked to less sunlight in winter and fall -- these months are an extra challenge. If you're sad often, talk to your doctor. 

Light therapy or an antidepressant may lift your mood

Improve your treatment plan. If your psoriasis always gets worse in winter, talk with Adityan skin clinic doctors. You may only need to adjust your medications a little or get some light therapy from Psoriasis Treatment In Madurai to get the better improvement.For more details about our services to visit our website(

Acne Scar Treatment | Laser Treatment to Remove Acne Scars

Acne Scar Treatment | Laser Treatment to Remove Acne Scars

Acne scars are usually the result of inflamed blemishes caused by skin pores engorged with excess oil, dead skin cells and bacteria. The pore swells, causing a break in the follicle wall. Shallow lesions are usually minor and heal quickly. But if there is a deep break in the wall of the pore, infected material can spill out into surrounding tissue, creating deeper lesions. The skin attempts to repair these lesions by forming new collagen fibers. These repairs usually aren't as smooth and flawless as the original skin. No Worries! Adityan Skin Care Clinic, Acne/Pimple Scar Treatment Madurai provides the effective laser treatment for All kind of skin problems.

Laser treatment for acne scars has been proven to be the best available treatment to remove acne scars completely. Laser and intense pulsed light (IPL) is a revolutionary, non-evasive treatment that offers a permanent solution to acne scarring. Laser scar treatment uses short pulses of micro-fine laser light, to reach deeply into the skin’s top layer. The body’s natural healing process sweeps away the damaged tissue. It then rebuilds it with new collagen, to reveal the new skin beneath. It is a fast and simple procedure that can be done in less than 40 minutes, depending on the size of the area to be treated.

Acne scar varies in terms of color

Red acne scars are dealt with laser therapies, like pulsed dye laser (PDL), potassium, titanyl phosphate (KTP), and intense pulsed light (IPL). PDL is most effective for treating red acne scars.

Brown or dark acne scars can be treated with IPL, quality switched (Q switched) microsecond pulsed and yttrium scandium garnet. White acne scar is best treated with fractional ablative lasers.

Four to six treatments, over a period of two months, is enough to diminish the scars completely. Moreover, the skin will appear replenished and rejuvenated with a more even texture. Acne/Pimple Scar Treatment Madurai, the Laser scar treatment works on many skin types, including very pale or very dark skin. Laser resurfacing will not just address the issue of acne scars, but will also improve the appearance of sun-damaged skin.

How UV Rays Play Role In Psoriasis?

How UV Rays Play Role In Psoriasis?

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Unpredictable and irritating, psoriasis is one of the most baffling and persistent of skin disorders. It's characterized by skin cells that multiply up to 10 times faster than normal. As underlying cells reach the skin's surface and die, their sheer volume causes raised, red plaques covered with white scales. Psoriasis typically occurs on the knees, elbows, and scalp, and it can also affect the torso, palms, and soles of the feet.Sun is a power of all source.It has generated the UV rays which are harmful to our body.But these harmful UV rays are the best treatment for psoriasis skin.The Psoriasis Treatment In Madurai has provided the best treatment to their patients.The Phototherapy or light therapy has used UV rays for psoriasis treatment.


Phototherapy or light therapy involves exposing the skin to ultraviolet light on a regular basis and under medical supervision. Treatments are done in a doctor's office or psoriasis clinic or at home with phototherapy unit. The key to success with light therapy is consistency.

National Psoriasis Foundation does not support the use of indoor tanning beds as a substitute for phototherapy performed with a prescription and under a doctor's supervision. Indoor tanning raises the risk of melanoma by 59 percent, according to the American Academy of Dermatology and the World Health Organization, and does not provide the type of light that most effectively treats psoriasis. Read more on the Psoriasis Foundation position on indoor tanning beds.

UVB phototherapy

Present in natural sunlight, ultraviolet B (UVB) is an effective treatment for psoriasis. UVB penetrates the skin and slows the growth of affected skin cells. Treatment involves exposing the skin to an artificial UVB light source for a set length of time on a regular schedule. This treatment is administered in a medical setting or at home.

There are two types of UVB treatment, broadband and narrow band. The major difference between them is that narrow band UVB light bulbs release a smaller range of ultraviolet light. Narrow-band UVB is similar to broadband UVB in many ways. Several studies indicate that narrow-band UVB clears psoriasis faster and produces longer remissions than broad-band UVB. It also may be effective with fewer treatments per week than broad-band UVB.

During UVB treatment, your psoriasis may worsen temporarily before improving. The skin may redden and itch from exposure to the UVB light. To avoid further irritation, the amount of UVB administered may need to be reduced. Occasionally, temporary flares occur with low-level doses of UVB. These reactions tend to resolve with continued treatment.

UVB can be combined with other topical and/or systemic agents to enhance efficacy, but some of these may increase photosensitivity and burning, or shorten remission. Combining UVB with systemic therapies may increase efficacy dramatically and allow for lower doses of the systemic medication to be used.

UVB treatment is offered in different ways. This can include small units for localized areas such as the hands and feet, full body units or handheld units. Some UVB units use traditional UV lamps or bulbs, and others use LED bulbs. 

There are many effective psoriasis treatment choices. Psoriasis Treatment In Madurai has provided the best treatment is individually determined by the treating doctor and depends, in part, on the type of disease, the severity, and amount of skin involved.For a mild disease that involves only small areas of the body (like less than 10% of the total skin surface), topical treatments (skin-applied), such as creams, lotions, and sprays, may be very effective and safe to use. Occasionally, a small local injection of steroids directly into a tough or resistant isolated psoriatic plaque may be helpful.Psoriasis clinic is available for every place.but we have to choose the correct and best clinic, our Adityan clinic is the best choice for your self.The Adityan clinic provides best Psoriasis Treatment In Madurai.Their vision is to be the premier global destination for the treatment of all skin conditions and disorders, which is backed by the Dermatologists.

Psoriasis in spring, summer, fall, and winter

Psoriasis in spring, summer, fall, and winter

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that causes the rapid build-up of skin cells. This build-up of cells causes scaling on the skin’s surface. Inflammation and redness around the scales are fairly common. Typical psoriatic scales are whitish-silver and develop in thick, red patches. Sometimes, these patches will crack and bleed.It has occurred summer as well as winter.The Psoriasis Treatment In Madurai has provided the best psoriasis treatment for all types of psoriasis.

Spring and summer Time Questions

Why does my psoriasis get better in the summer?

It is speculated that some people see improvement in their psoriasis because of the greater availability of natural ultraviolet light (sunshine). People usually wear fewer layers of clothing and expose more areas of skin by wearing short sleeves, short pants, and swimming suits during the summer months.

Can sunbathing help my psoriasis?

In most cases, yes. People with psoriasis often do respond well to exposure to natural and/or artificial ultraviolet light. However, each person is different. If your psoriasis has responded well in the past to sunlight or phototherapy, it is likely that you will have a positive response. If you have responded negatively, then sunbathing is most likely not for you. Overexposure to ultraviolet light can trigger a flare-up of psoriasis symptoms. It is best to start with very low exposure times and build-up over several weeks. Learn more about light therapy.

Can I go in a swimming pool or hot tub if I have psoriasis?

Yes, unless you have open sores that are infected or oozing. Chlorine is a chemical that may cause irritation and can further dry out the already over dry skin that normally accompanies psoriasis. However, many people find that pool or hot tub water helps to soften and clear crusty, hard areas and flaking. Be aware of very warm water or long soaks in hot tubs as heat can increase itching and irritation. The best way to avoid this irritation is to shower as soon as possible after the pool or hot tub use. Using chlorine-removing shampoos and/or soap can help to further reduce chemical irritation. The shower should be followed with a generous application of moisturizer.

Fall and winter Time Questions

Why does my psoriasis get worse in the winter?

A combination of dry air decreased sunlight exposure, and colder temperatures can all contribute to winter psoriasis flares. Frequent moisturizing and use of a home humidifier can help alleviate some of the symptoms. Discuss with your doctor possible treatments to control your psoriasis in the winter.

Will my psoriasis get worse if I get sick?

Anything that can affect the immune system can, in turn, affect psoriasis. Having a cold or the flu can play a role in your psoriasis. Make sure you get plenty of rest, wash your hands frequently, and try to be aware of other triggers, such as stress, that can increase your susceptibility to sickness.

Is there a link between strep throat and psoriasis?

One form of psoriasis called guttate is often associated with strep throat. A microorganism called Streptococcus causes strep infections. Many times a person may not even have symptoms of strep throat but still have an active flare of psoriasis. Talk with your doctor about getting a streptococcal antibody test to determine higher than normal levels of strep in your system.

Can I get the flu shot or other immunizations if I have psoriasis?

Yes, as long as your psoriasis is not actively flaring and you get the killed version of the vaccine. There is no evidence that receiving an immunization of any kind can cause psoriasis. However, not all vaccines are a good idea for psoriasis sufferers. For example, the smallpox vaccine is not recommended for all individuals with psoriasis. This is because the smallpox virus can be passed from person to person through an open wound.

Injections of any kind may trigger a flare-up of psoriasis symptoms as the result of a response known as the Koebner Phenomenon. This phenomenon is responsible for either triggering the original onset of psoriasis symptoms, or the development or worsening of psoriasis symptoms at the injection (or injury) site. However, many people with psoriasis are able to receive injections and immunizations with no problem or changes in their psoriasis symptoms. Always talk with your dermatologist before getting an immunization or vaccine.

The diagnosis of psoriasis is typically made by obtaining information from the physical examination of the skin, medical history, and relevant family health history.Sometimes lab tests, including a microscopic examination of tissue obtained from a skin biopsy, may be necessary.Psoriasis Treatment In Madurai has provided the best psoriasis treatment to their patients.Now you are waiting for best treatment for life-threatening psoriasis, The only option is our clinic, Their mission is To make people beautiful, happy & confident. For more details visit our website(

The Reasons For Schedule a Dermatologist Visit

The Reasons For Schedule a Dermatologist

Dermatologists specialize in diagnosing and treating conditions related to the skin, hair, and nails, including concerns related to cosmetic issues, such as sun damage and aging, as well as skin cancer, and other medical skin conditions.Best Dermatologist In Madurai who has additional interest and skill in performing surgical procedures are referred to as dermatologic surgeons or dermasurgeons.They have to cure the following diseases of their patients.

1. Acne. If you have acne that is not responding to an over-the-counter skin treatment, you may want to schedule a visit with a dermatologist, advises Woolery-Lloyd. A dermatologist can determine which kind of prescription treatment would be most effective for your acne and lifestyle, according to the AAD.

2. Skin cancer. A dermatologist can screen you for skin cancer. Talk to your family doctor or dermatologist about how often you need to be checked for changes to your skin. An annual body check is especially important if you are in a high-risk group — if you are fair-haired or light-eyed, or you have a history of blistering sunburns, according to the National Institutes of Health.

In addition to regular screenings, you should also see a dermatologist if you notice a change in the shape, size, or coloring of any of your moles. A dermatologist can remove some or all of the suspicious tissue and examine it under a microscope to check for cancerous cells. Dermatologists also see people who are being treated for other cancers and experiencing skin side effects due to their medication.

3. Eczema. This chronic skin condition is characterized by irritation, itchiness, and flaky patches of skin, according to the AAD. A dermatologist can help find ways to manage your eczema and prescribe any necessary treatment.

4. Skin damage. If you are concerned about minimizing skin damage or caring for aging skin, a dermatologist can suggest products or lifestyle changes that reduce your exposure to damaging elements.

5. Specialized care of skin, hair, and nails. You can talk to a dermatologist regarding any concerns you have about almost any condition that affects your appearance, according to the AAD. For example, skin conditions ranging from discolorations to warts, to stretch marks, to psoriasis can all be treated by a dermatologist.

6. Scar treatment. Best Dermatologist In Madurai can offer skin treatments to improve the look of almost any scar, including acne scars and keloid (raised) scars, according to the AAD. A dermatologist may refer you to a plastic surgeon for enhanced treatment of more serious scars, such as those due to burns

why have We Preferred Adityan  Clinic?

Certain skin conditions can be treated safely at home, while others require a specialist's care.our Adityan clinic has played an important role for given the beauty and glowing skin to their patience.our vision is to give a beautiful and confident face for our client.They have latest technology treatments with out side effects.ones you can visit our clinic, you know Adityan skin clinic is the Best Dermatologist In Madurai.because their Dermatologist and other staffs are well trained and they are provided the satisfied service to their patients.Visit our website( for more treatments process.

Acne/Pimple: How To Treat It

Acne/Pimple: How To Treat It

Acne affects the skin of most teenagers and a significant number of adults. The condition involves the buildup of sebum in the pores of the skin. Sebum is an oily substance made by the sebaceous glands under the skin. When this becomes trapped, it can form pimples on the surface of the skin. These are small, red, pus-filled spots or zits. Breakouts range from mild and occasional to severe and ongoing.

Acne/Pimple Treatment In Madurai can help individuals overcome the emotional and psychological effects. Pimples are not in themselves bad for overall health, although they can occasionally become infected or develop into cysts. The major impact of acne is on quality of life. A person with acne can experience anxiety, embarrassment, and a loss of confidence. Visiting adityan skin clinic is the best choice for eliminating these kinds of issues.

Fast Facts On Pimples

Here are some key points about pimples. 

1) Most teenagers and a significant number of adults experience pimples.

2) Prompt treatment of pimples can help to overcome the emotional and psychological effects.

3) Stress, anxiety, greasy hair, and a high-fat, high-sugar diet may increase the risk in some people.

4) Doctors recommend gently washing the face no more than twice daily.

5) Popping pimples increases the risk of infection.

6) Over-the-counter (OTC) pimple treatments often contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and sulfur.

7) Prescription medication for pimples includes topical treatment, antibiotics, isotretinoin, and laser and light therapy.

What Makes Acne/Pimples Worse?

It is unknown exactly why acne flares up for some people at certain points in their lives, but hormonal activity appears to play a role by causing an increase in sebum production. Pimples are more common during puberty and adolescence, and women often find they break out just before menstruation. Other factors include stress and anxiety, which can increase the levels of adrenaline and cortisol.

A hot, humid climate with an increased risk of sweating can also make it worse. Some studies suggest that carbohydrate-rich foods or chocolate may trigger acne, but the link has not been confirmed. Cooking greasy food may worsen symptoms due to the grease blocking pores. Eating greasy food, however, has not shown the same signs of directly affecting acne. 

Having beautiful skin cannot be achieved by easily. Visiting Acne/Pimple Treatment In Madurai is to have a healthy lifestyle.

Visit and learn more about all things related to acne/pimple and acne/pimple removal treatment.

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Acne Pimple Treatment - Treatment To Cure Pimples Visit

 Acne Pimple Treatment - Treatment To Cure Pimples Visit

If you are looking for an acne pimple treatment, be sure not to use methods or medications that will be either useless or dangerous to your skin. The best method to get rid of skin blemishes is the use of Acne/Pimple Cure In Madurai. The benefits are it has no side effects and very inexpensive. You will be surprised how this treatment can be.

Pimples or acne are skin lesions/inflammation that occurs when the sebaceous glands (oil glands) of the skin get infected with bacteria and swell up. Pimples are also known as pustules or papules, spots, and zits. The sebaceous glands that are present throughout the skin, except in the palms and soles, secrete a waxy or oily substance called sebum. The sebum helps to maintain the oil balance of the skin and makes it look healthy. When there is any abnormality in the sebaceous gland, pimples develop.

Since everyone gets acne/pimple at some time, the right time to treat it is when it becomes bothersome or when the potential for scarring develops. This can be when severe acne flares suddenly, for mild acne that just won't go away, or even when a single pimple decides to show up the week before ones.

Are pimples robbing your peace? Well, that will not happen anymore. Acne/Pimple Cure In Madurai, bring to you an extensive list of the best natural remedies that can help you to get rid of pimples overnight. You will also get to know a few tips and tricks, the causes of pimples, their types, and everything else that you need to know about pimples.

Acne Scars - Types Of Laser Treatments For Acne Scars

Acne Scars - Types Of Laser Treatments For Acne Scars

In this article, We will help you first understand how acne scars form and How to select the proper treatment. Having acne is not uncommon, if not unavoidable, to any one of us. What is more annoying actually is the companion results - those permanent read marks and scars left behind even we revolve the acne condition. So what should we do about it?

Before we dive into the solution, let's look at the cause of the problem. When a pore becomes blocked and acne bacteria begin to multiply in the pore, your body tries to dislodge the blockage by attacking it like an infection. As the oil gland continues to produce oil, and the acne bacteria continue to multiply, the pain follows. At this time, the acne pimple or "a pustule" forms. If the blockage becomes too large, or even worse, you pick and press on the pimple, collegian fibers in your skin that surround can be damaged. The damaged fibers can't be healed even when the pore finally does heal. There will be a red mark left behind or a deeper indentation know as a "pock mark". 

Acne/Pimple Scar Treatment Madurai, a Dermatologist will assess the scars to decide upon the type of treatment required. Laser treatment does not require the application of local anesthetic creams or gels. All you need to do is, lie comfortably on the bed, while the light is being applied to the affected areas.

1. Frazel Laser:

It is a non-ablative laser which does not vaporize any tissue. Instead, it heats the columns of tissue with laser energy. It is the heat energy that stimulates new collagen production in the skin.

2. Carbon Dioxide Lasers:

This is a relatively new laser treatment that provides better results than Frazel laser treatments. The patients must meet the specific requirements in order to qualify for the procedure. Carbon dioxide laser emits short bursts of extremely high-energy laser that vaporizes the scarred tissue, layer by layer. The recovery from carbon dioxide laser treatment ranges from three to ten days depending upon the intensity of the treatment.

3. Fractional Laser Treatment:

It is the best laser treatment for acne scars. In fractional laser treatment, only a small portion of the skin is treated with laser energy while the rest of the skin is spared.This stimulates faster healing of the skin tissues and production of collagen.

4. Pixilation:

Pixel is the latest technological advancement in skin resurfacing. Small pin-sized laser points are applied to the affected regions, leaving the rest of the skin surface untouched and intact. The intensity and depth of penetration can be easily controlled and the pulse can be stacked for deeper problematic areas.

5. Active Fx and Deep Fx:

The active Fx laser target the superficial skin.

The Deep Fx targets the deeper skin.

Advantages of Laser Treatment:

The advantage of laser treatment for acne scar is that it works in harmony with the structure of the skin tissue.

Laser acne scar treatment is certainly a safer alternative to harsh chemical peels, glycolic acid, punch excision and strong surgical lasers. If you want to get rid of your acne scar then visit for Acne/Pimple Scar Treatment Madurai

Dr.Adityan (Adityan skin And Hair Clinic), Madurai.

 Dr.Adityan (Adityan skin And Hair Clinic), Madurai.

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Do you have a tattoo that you simply don’t wish anymore? If your answer is in the affirmative, then we are able to say you're not alone.

People typically wish to urge eliminate their tattoos that they once cherished. Sometimes, the explanation can be a lost relationship or a failing romance, or a tattoo that was the results of a wrong call.

Whatever is also your reason, you'll be able to currently get eliminate your tattoo for good with optical maser tattoo removal. we've got the progressive infrastructure for best tattoo removal in Virudhunagar. Our Clinicis the  Best Skin Clinic In Virudhunagar with advanced technology and removal ways that are well-tested and accepted worldwide and has a rate of success.

All our procedures are conducted in the safe, clean and sterile atmosphere.

Laser Tattoo Removal in Virudhunagar.How does it work?

Laser tattoo removal is completed by winning implementation of selective photothermolysis (SPTL).Laser beams disintegrate the tattoo ink particles and ar step by step absorbed by the body and removed through body’s natural elimination method. The breakdown of the ink particles happens once optical maser lights with a wavelength that falls at intervals the spectrum of the ink pigments are targeted.

The ink particles absorb energy from the optical maser beams at intervals nanoseconds. The temperature of the ink particles rise to thousands of degrees, however, this doesn't have an effect on the skin tissues as this absorbed energy instantly transforms to a Shockwave. This Shockwave causes the brittle ink pigments to fragment.

Can all tattoos be removed easily?

While dark ink pigments like deeper blues and blacks may be prohibited simply, lighter colors like fluorescent, yellows and greens are additional stubborn. conjointly pastel hues with high titania content are tough to get rid of.

What is necessary for the success of optical maser tattoo removal?

The color of the light beam ought to get into the skin to adequate depths wherever it will target the tattoo pigment. It ought to be ensured that the correct colored optical maser light-weight is employed so the larger absorption is by the tattoo pigment than the encompassing skin.The application of optical maser beams ought to be for a very small amount so the warmth doesn’t get unfold to the adjacent space, however, the tattoo pigment gets heated to the required temperature.

Cost of optical maser tattoo removal in Virudhunagar

Cost of tattoo removal depends on the quantity of sittings and also the experience needed to get rid of the tattoo. Since no 2 tattoos are similar, Best Skin Clinic In Virudhunagar recommend you a quote solely once a correct examination of your body tattoo.

Choose Adityan Skin & Hair device Centre that offers fascinating lands up in an exceedingly secure setting. you will be ready to get services at cheap price ranges. people convenient from Theni, Melur, Sivakasi, Virudhunagar, Dindigul easy due to reach our clinic. Visit at, and put together you will be ready to contact and discuss any issues with the doctor.

Hair Fall Treatment, Treatment for Hair Fall in Dindigul - View Doctor Adityan

 Hair Fall Treatment, Treatment for Hair Fall in Dindigul - View Doctor Adityan

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Hair loss optical device treatment is changing into a preferred medical aid, with devices on the market, declared safe for home use. however, will optical device medical aid extremely facilitate restore hair?

Of all the hair loss therapies out there, the one that appears to cause the foremost dialogue among consultants is hair loss optical device treatment!Adityan provides higher resolution for Hair Fall Treatment In Dindigul.Yet the claims created by proponents of optical device medical aid persist and – while still expensive – devices supposed for home use build it cheaper than ever before.

What Is Hair Loss optical device Treatment?

This discovery crystal rectifier to the event of low-level optical device medical aid (LLLT) - a secure treatment that's used for numerous medical conditions, together with the restoration of hair once hair loss.Also referred to as biostimulation, red lightweight medical aid, soft optical device and cold optical device, LLLT involves the employment of devices that emit a light-weight that may penetrate the scalp.The scalp is exposed to the sunshine many times per week, for anyplace between eight to fifteen minutes at a time. This can be believed to trigger hair growth. Some practitioners combine the medical aid with a scalp massage or another variety of scalp treatment.

How will Hair Loss optical device Treatment Work?

Manufacturers of optical device devices supposed for home use decide to justify however this sort of medical aid works to revive hair. The truth, however, is that nobody is aware of course quite however or why hair growth can be triggered by lasers.The generally accepted theory is that the medical aid will increase blood flow to the scalp, stimulating the follicles and inspiring them to provide a lot of hair. within the same vein, consultants say that the lasers rejuvenate aging cells, serving to the hair to produce.In cases of alopecia, it's believed that the lasers facilitate cut back inflammation, thereby permitting the healthy growth of hair.

This type of medical aid is not appropriate for everybody with hair loss.

In fact, at this time it is vital to notice that you just should ab initio speak to your doctor, instead of pay cash on a rich Hair Fall Treatment In Dindigul or device you'll be able to use reception.

If your hair loss is caused by a thyroid downside, as an example, or by terribly low iron levels, optical device Hair Fall Treatment In Dindigul can do nothing to assist you some. Your symptoms can persist till your doctor has diagnosed and begun treating the reason behind the matter.The primary kind of hair loss that optical device medical aid will doubtless treat is genetic hair loss (also referred to as pattern hairless or androgenetic/androgenic alopecia).

Choose Adityan Skin & Hair optical device Centre that gives fascinating ends up in a secure setting. you'll be able to get services at reasonable worth ranges. folks convenient from Theni, Melur, Sivakasi, Virudhunagar, Dindigul straightforward thanks to reaching our clinic. Visit at, and conjointly you'll be able to contact and discuss any considerations with the doctor.

Psoriasis - Treatment - Adityan Clinic

Psoriasis - Treatment -  Adityan Clinic

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Winter will be a terrible time for folks with a skin disorder. The season appears to provide an ideal storm of conditions that, singly or along, will trigger flare-ups and need stronger skin disorder treatment.

Aggravating winter conditions include:

Dry air. skin disorder will become inflamed and restless once your skin dries out, and therefore the realities of winter living mean that a part of skin Psoriasis Treatment In Dindigul are to combat dry skin on a day after day. Being outside suggests that handling the cold, dry air and winter winds. Inside, most heating systems rob air of wet as they heat your home.

Decreased exposure to daylight. The ultraviolet (UV) rays delivered by the sun area unit one in every of the simplest natural skin disorder treatments around. however days grow short throughout winter months, and after you need to bundle up to travel outside, there is abundant less likelihood your skin disorder lesions can receive a healthy, healing bout of daylight.

Winter skin disorder Treatment ways:

While winter will be difficult for folks living with a skin disorder, there area unit some ways to higher deal with the season. Tips for counteracting time of year skin disorder triggers include:

Try lightweight medical aid. Speak together with your doctor regarding beginning an actinic ray medical aid plan throughout the autumn and winter months. folks undergoing lightweight medical aid expose their skin to ultraviolet radiation on a daily basis, most frequently at a doctor's workplace or reception employing a special actinotherapy unit. Ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation appears to figure best as a Psoriasis Treatment In Dindigul. However, avoid the utilization of using tanning beds: 

Most dermatologists don't suggest the utilization of tanning beds in any respect and would solely recommend them as a final resort for patients with severe skin disorder symptoms and no access to traditional suggests that of sunshine medical aid.

Use moisturizers. fill the wet drawn from your skin by dry indoor heat and out of doors winds. Regular use of a moisturizer will stop restless and painfully dry skin by protection within the skin's natural wet. For best results, apply moisturizer when you bathe and infrequently throughout the day. you will need to use a lotion throughout the day and a thicker cream or ointment at an hour.

Best Skin Clinic In Dindigul attempting time for folks with a skin disorder, however, do not let the season get the simplest of you. Follow the following tips and you are possible to be more leisurely and have higher management over your flare-ups.

Choose Adityan Skin & Hair Laser Centre that offers desirable results in a safe environment. You can get services at affordable price ranges. People convenient from Theni, Melur, Sivakasi, Virudhunagar, Dindigul easy way to reach our clinic. Visit at, and also you can contact and discuss any concerns with the doctor.

Laser Hair Growth Treatment Sivakasi - Proven New Regrowth

Laser Hair Growth Treatment Sivakasi - Proven New Regrowth

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Adityan clinic is the s Best Skin Clinic In Sivakasi.We go for giving a particular solid skin through our hoisted desire advantage and pushed frameworks. We give sensible, easily open and modified therapy treatment for any and each kind of skin, hair or nail condition. 

Why Is It necessary to take care of Hair Free Body?

One’s confidence and success are predicated for the most part on ‘feeling beautiful’. If there are 2 elements which might create a big difference in one’s lives, it's look and charm. The ugly condition of visible and unwanted hair at the most surprising places are a few things we tend to attempt to get obviate. Facial hair is powerfully hated by girls whereas even men find you in embarrassment with hair on their earlobes. A body empty unwanted hair adds charm to your persona, and it's here that Adityan offers you a permanent answer.

Hair Loss treatment in Sivakasi:

It is associate constituted human want to appear smart and attractive since everybody desires to be complimented for the approach they appear. Hair undoubtedly contributes to the present want. Scalp with smart lustrous and voluminous hair adds to the charm. The thicker and well nourished is that the hair, the additional assured you are feeling.

Pimple Treatment in Sivakasi:

Maintaining your skin properly within the wet climate of Sivakasi may be a challenge that one should fight each day. maybe those that have entered or simply passed their teens, may well be able to perceive what ar pimples precisely and the way this might have an effect on one’s self-image.

Pimples are a standard feature of the human skin throughout teen and even adults suffer from it. it's one such skin condition, that is determined with none of your initiation, however, on the total, impacts one’s confidence and look. For those within the town of Sivakasi tormented by pimples and their consequences, your worries aren't any additional a protracted concern!

Tattoo Removal Treatment in Sivakasi:

People more and more like better to get tattoos in hot water the sake of fun and conjointly to indicate, however ‘cool’ there. it's become a mode statement and a quite common trend that has been on the increase for the last decade.

Best Skin Clinic In Sivakasi standard feature of the human skin through. whereas obtaining it done is actually painful, even tattoo removal isn't any less painful. There are many ways through that, one will get tattoo removal done, incidental to plenty of pain and inconvenience. However, there are instances wherever this removal method doesn't happen obviously and as effectively as we tend to could want.

Choose Adityan Skin & Hair Laser Centre that offers desirable results in a safe environment. You can get services at affordable price ranges. People convenient from Theni, Melur, Sivakasi, Virudhunagar, Dindigul easy way to reach our clinic. Visit at, and also you can contact and discuss any concerns with the doctor.