Tuesday 27 December 2016

Hair Growth Treatment Is Effective In Both Men And Women

Hair Growth Treatment Is Effective In Both Men And Women

Hair loss is common in both men and women. Men, however, tend to go bald while women experience thinning hair over the entire head. Male pattern baldness is part of the reason why hair growth treatment was invented in the first place. Having very little hair is not something the majority of people are used to. It is something that occurs over time, and greatly impacts self-confidence levels.

Hair loss can have lasting effects on a person's self-confidence. While everyone knows the importance of an individual is not based on physical characteristics such as hair type, people who experience hair loss cannot help but to feel different. Going bald, absent medical conditions, is not something that is looked upon with anticipation. Men, in general, frequently shave their heads as opposed to looking at a receding hair line every day. Women tend to opt for hairstyles that cover bald spots and hide overall thinning hair.

Each company that specializes in growth treatments claims to have the best product. A lot of these businesses spend a lot of money on advertisements to gain the attention of the public and increase sales. Flashy advertisements do not always mean a substance will render the same results for every user. Companies would like consumer's to think that this is the case, however, they are in business to make a profit.

Androgenic Alopecia, also known as pattern baldness, is caused by a number of things. Hormones and genes do play a role in this condition and are the main factors causing loss of hair. Medications, medical treatments, and burns may also contribute to the appearance of this condition. Naturally occurring hair loss, without any interference from outside agents, has been scientifically studied. Testosterone plays a role in alopecia.

Most people are simply not aware that human hair grows in cycles. Hair production will be consistent for a number of years and then slow down to a stop. This stop is a resting period which lasts for a few months and then new growth starts again. Some people's hair do not grow again after this rest phase. This is one of many reasons why people seek treatment.

Many different products are offered for sale with the intention of treating or even curing the problem of hair loss. Prior to self-medicating and self-diagnosing, it is best to ask the opinion of a doctor. Together, patients and physicians are able to come to an agreeable conclusion in regards to hair treatments. For people who are into organic products, there are mixtures available that do not have lengthy chemical ingredients. Organic products tend to be water based without strong odors.

There are several reasons why alopecia takes hold. One reason can be attributed to something called DHT. DHT, abbreviated for dihydrotestosterone, is a bi-product of 5-alpha-reductase and testosterone. Testosterone is a familiar term to most people while the other may as well be a foreign language. The main thing to remember about DHT is that this biological creation is responsible for shrinking hair follicles and stopping hair growth.

Many times a person will find themselves trying a variety of brand name products before finding the one that works the best for him or herself. This is to be expected as everyone is different. The effectiveness and speed of hair growth treatment is individualized. There are general time frames that can be followed, but once more, everyone is different and speed of new growth may have slight variations from person to person. BEST HAIR SPECIALIST IN MADURAI follows latest Technology for hair growth treatment. for More Information Contact Us 7373 163 000.

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