Wednesday 10 February 2021

Does Hormones Affect The Skin? How it is!!!...

 Does Hormones Affect The Skin? How it is!!!...

Every woman wants to stay beautiful, women of all ages need expert advice commonly known as Skincare. It is essential for women as well as men, for the prolongation of youthful looks. Find the Best Skin Hospital In Madurai.

Hormones And Their effect on the skin.

There is a relationship between beauty and hormones. Hormones are produced by the organs in the system of the human body. Lack of hormones or excess of hormones in the body can prove disastrous. They are of various types, But the ones which are associated with beauty are androgens, estrogens, thyroids, steroids, insulin, and sex hormones.


The excessive secretion of androgens causes acne of hair loss. This can be balanced by taking estrogen pills. It helps to cure acne and pimples and benefit the skin by retarding wrinkles and making them clear and shiny.

Thyroid hormones:

If there is a shortage of thyroid hormones in the system the skin becomes dry and wrinkled.

Steroid hormones:

The excessive production causes skin infections, Pigmentation of the skin, and acne.

Insulin hormones:

The deficiency of insulin hormones harms the complexion and causes skin fungus, bacterial infection, and itching.

Always follow treatment under medical supervision. Find the Best Skin Hospital In Madurai to look younger and more beautiful.

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