Thursday, 30 December 2021

Are there any supplement ways you can take for acne?

 Are there any supplement ways you can take for acne?

It is not common in this day and age for people to want to try a supplement for their skin and there is  data from small studies regarding more natural therapies. So you may find the Best Skin Specialist In Madurai , to care for your smooth and shiny skin regularly.

 I am not an advocate of making recommendations that are not robustly supported by science, and think there are better treatments than taking supplements, but these oral agents are readily available in health food shops and may have a role to play, so why not give them a try:

Nicotinamide  ( vitamin B3 ) - 750mg once daily

Omega - 3 fatty acids 

Zinc - 200 mg daily of zinc gluconate or 400 -600mg daily of zinc sulphate

Vitamin A - 300,000 IU daily for women; 400,000 IU for men

If you are planning a pregnancy, or taking other prescribed medication then do not take these supplements without speaking to your family doctor or dermatologist first. It is the right time to choose the Best Skin Specialist In Madurai . 

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