Thursday 28 February 2019

Hair Treatment In Madurai With Best Facilities @ Adityan Skin And Hair Laser Centre

Hair Treatment In Madurai With Best Facilities @ Adityan Skin And Hair Laser Centre


Hello, my friend for the past few months I have a problem with my hair. I am shy to share my problem with someone else because they will make fun of me. I trust and believe you that you will not mess with me. Ok, I will explain my problem in hair and if you know any solution please do suggest me or give some hair care tips. Without further delay, I will explain my hair loss problem in detail. It is been about a month I could fell heavy hair fall in the top of my head. First hair thinning occurred and there is no new hair follicle grown. So eventually baldness occurred in some parts of my head. Do you know why it happened? And suggest me some the best doctor in handling baldness. Don't worry my friend I know several reasons which cause baldness I will tell you later. First of one of the main reason for baldness is because of our gene. I am sure baldness in your head is because of your forefather. It could be cured with the help of a Dermatologist. So you should consult Baldness Treatment Madurai - Dr. Adityan's Skin & Hair Laser Centre at Andalpuram immediately.

There are also some reasons I could notice which causes baldness in your hair. You apply less oil to your hair. When you apply less oil your scalp gets dry and so dandruff occurs everywhere at some point of time your hair gets thin which leads to baldness. Also, you get stress often for a simple matter. Stress causes temporary baldness which triggers telogen effluvium. When your stress level decreases your hair start to recover in 3-6 months. Sudden hair loss may also be a sign of some disease approaching you like thyroid, diabetes, heart disease and autoimmune disorder. So it is better to have a checkup in  Baldness Treatment Madurai - Dr. Adityan's Skin & Hair Laser Centre.  Dr. Adityan is a specialist in treating your hair fall with technology updates on dermatology through translational and clinical research. Exact diagnosis for your hair loss will be identified by the doctor and finally, treatment will be provided for hair loss. Call them at - 73 73 163 000 or visit us their website at

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