Friday 10 May 2019

Common Skin Problems in Summer

Common Skin Problems in Summer

Hi! friends, summer holidays as started now & exams are over. Now parents will have confusion about their children because playing outside in overheating of the sun causes much skin problems. To get rid of the skin problem we must be aware of that and steps to prevent it from your children. But we must also ensure that home remedies are advisory by consulting a doctor. As the skin is the most sensitive organ we must consult & take proper medical treatment. Contact Best Skin Specialist In Madurai for proper medications of skin.

Now let us discuss the common skin problems during summer.

1) Acne: When sweat mixes with bacteria and oils on your skin, it can clog your pores. If you have acne-prone skin, this often means breakouts.
2) Dry skin: When outdoor air is hot and humid, you can still have dry irritated skin.
3) Melasma:  Being out in the sun can make those brown to grey-brown patches on your face more noticeable. 
4) Sun allergy: You can develop hives (an allergic skin reaction) when you’re in the sun if you have. Take certain medications. Have a sun sensitivity (usually runs in the family)
5) Sunburn: Getting sunburn can spoil summer fun and increase your risk of developing skin cancer. 

While these summer skin problems can disturb your fun, they’re usually not serious. Most go away in a few days to a few weeks. If you have pimples, acne, or sun allergies you should call the skin doctor. If you don't have any skin doctor then contact Best Skin Specialist In Madurai. To know more about the skin specialist & treatment for the above skin problems visit For more updates please visit

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