Monday 14 January 2019




Hi all, Do you know what is baldness. Baldness is nothing but having no hair or most of the hair in the scalp. Do you know Who would be affected by this issue? Mostly above  23 age group male. It occurs in female as well. But in very less number. Now Let us see how it occurs. We can say many reasons like hair products we choose may be the wrong ones for our hair type. Else weather conditions. For instance, if the people who live in Kerala come to live in Chennai used to get baldness due to the sudden weather change. Kerala is a cool place whereas Chennai is the hottest city. So those people who lived in a cool place cannot tolerate the heat where they moved into. Else we can say heredity is the reason. If your parents or grandparents have this baldness issue means there is a 90 percent chance for you also to get the same, says Baldness Treatment Madurai.

With the advent of modern techniques and technologies, one can gain the natural hair back. It is possible says Dr.Adityan – the famous dermatologist and trichologist who runs Adityan skin and hair Laser centre in Madurai. AT his hospital he has cured many cases those who came with this baldness issue. Now he has a lot of happy patients saying no to baldness issue. He is giving FDA approved medicines for the patients those who come at the initial stage. He uses Laser technology to resolve the baldness problem for the patients comes in a serious stage. Low-Level Laser therapy helps to stimulate the hair follicles to start the growth by applying light on the affected area. This works in 90 percent of cases. Along with the treatment, one should follow the food chart prescribed by the trichologist. Adityan skin and hair clinic is located at Andalpuram, Madurai. In order to meet Dr.Adityan, you will have to get the appointment a week prior itself to avoid waiting in the queue. Call @ 73 73 163 000 to book your appointment or further inquiries. Please click on this link to know more about Baldness Treatment Madurai and other services they provide.

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