Friday 26 March 2021

Fungal Skin Infection

Fungal Skin Infection

Hi friends!

Nowadays there are more fungal skin occurs in the human body. So everyone searches for the Best Skin Care Centre In Madurai`.  Why everyone searches for a skin clinic in Madurai? Madurai is one of the best places for everything like a business, treatment, etc. For the best skin treatment, then go to the Madurai skin clinic. 

Athlete’s foot

Associated with wearing shoes and sweating, this common foot infection is a type of ringworm caused by the fungus tinea pedis. 

It can be picked up in public places, such as showers and changing rooms, and, once contracted, it can be hard to get rid of.

The skin on and between the toes between sore and itchy, and may crack or peel away, exposing red, tender skin underneath. Sometimes small blisters and rashes appear.


The highly contagious infection of the skin, known popularly as ringworm, is also medically called tinea. 

The term ringworm’ is a misnomer, since no worm is involved, and it is caused by a fungal infection.

The ring shape is formed as the infection spreads. Warm, moist areas, such as the armpits, groins, beneath the breast and on the feet, are the most common places for ringworm.

Nappy rash

A common condition affecting babies with otherwise healthy skin, nappy rash results from an irritant dermatitis caused by ammonia combined with an infection with the yeast candida. While usually confined to the nappy area, the thrush element can spread like a rash on the abdomen and can look quite severe and alarming.

If you care for your fungal skin infection or search for the Best Skin Care Centre In Madurai then visit Adityan skin clinic. For more details visit, and you can contact them at 73 73 163 000.

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